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Table 2 Pregnancy outcome in relation with disease activity prior to pregnancy, n = 114

From: Effect of childbirth on the course of Crohn's disease; results from a retrospective cohort study in the Netherlands


Inactive luminal disease

93 (82)

Active luminal disease

21 (18)

Age at index pregnancy Median [range]

30 [20-40]

29 [20-39]

Gestational age in weeks Median [range]

40 [20-42]

39 [27-41]

Pregnancy complications


   - None

70 (75)

11 (52)

   - Intrauterine growth retardation

7 (8)

4 (19)

   - Pregnancy induced hypertension

2 (2)

1 (5)

   - Intrauterine death

3 (3)

0 (0)

   - Other

11 (12)

5 (24)

Mode of childbirth


   - Vaginal delivery

64 (69)

13 (62)


47 (73)

9 (69)


17 (27)

4 (31)

   - Caesarean section:

29 (31)

8 (38)

- Medical advice

19 (66)

2 (25)

- Obstetric reason(s)

10 (34)

4 (50)

- Elective

0 (0)

2 (25)

Median birth weight in grams* Median [range]

3250 [200-5900]

2910 [980-3970]#

  1. Numbers between brackets are percentages
  2. request of patient
  3. *Data on birth weight was missing of 5 women
  4. # p = 0.02