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Table 4 Ranking of symptoms that are most commonly experienced in the Asian studies

From: Frequency patterns of core constipation symptoms among the Asian adults: a systematic review


Rank 1st

Rank 2nd

Rank 3rd

Rank 4th

Rank 5th

Rank 6th


91.6% [25]

92.0% [25]

64.6% [32]

75.0% [27]

90.0% [29]

89.9% [30]

93.0% [33]

70.4% [22]

65.0% [27]

88.0% [28]

95.7% [31]

79.3% [34]

70.3% [22]

93.7% [26]


Sensation incomplete evacuation

72.1% [22]

96.5% [31]

64.2% [32]

94.9% [26]

69.0% [28]

87.0% [33]

64.8% [22]

74.1% [34]

69.9% [25]

69.0% [25]

61.7% [29]

61.8% [30]

31.0% [27]

38.0% [27]


Lumpy/hard stool

93.1% [34]

70.0% [27]

85.8% [29]

86.2% [30]

65.0% [27]

71.1% [25]

71.3% [25]

77.0% [33]

95.7% [31]

63.0% [22]

58.9% [32]

38.4% [22]

88.5% [26]


Sensation of anorectal blockage


53.5% [22]

46.0% [27]

62.6% [31]

46.3% [22]

43.0% [27]

53.0% [25]

52.3% [25]

39.5% [32]

87.7% [26]

26.6% [29]

26.2% [30]

31.0% [34]

48.0% [33]


Infrequent defecations

98.4% [26]

74.7% [25]

74.7% [25]

58.9% [32]

56.0% [27]

66.0% [29]

66.0% [30]

57.0% [27]

32.8% [34]

57.0% [33]

26.2% [22]

42.6% [22]

57.4% [31]

Manual maneuver


18.1% [25]

18.4% [25]

14.8% [32]

47.0% [26]

10.0% [27]

26.1% [29]

16.3% [22]

16.1% [30]

53.9% [31]

15.5% [34]

45.0% [33]

11.1% [22]

10.0% [27]

  1. Italic, symptom of IBS-C