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Fig. 5 | BMC Gastroenterology

Fig. 5

From: Expression profiling and intracellular localization studies of the novel Proline-, Histidine-, and Glycine-rich protein 1 suggest an essential role in gastro-intestinal epithelium and a potential clinical application in colorectal cancer diagnostics

Fig. 5

Transcript profiling of HT29 cells subjected to PHGR1 downregulation. a Hierarchical clustering of samples (horizontal) and mRNAs (vertical) in the global mRNA profile of HT29 cells subjected to PHGR1 knockdown. Only the mRNAs with significant changes in response to PHGR1 knockdown are shown. The color key is scaled for each mRNA (row) to visualize differences. The sample names are shown on the left side of the heatmap; letters denote siRNA (C = negative control siRNA, A and B = PHGR1-targeting siRNA A and B) and numbers denote biological replicates. b Gene ontology analysis of genes down- and upregulated in response to PHGR1 knockdown. Gene ontology terms significantly enriched after correction for multiple testing are listed, biological processes (GO_BP) in bold fonts and cellular compartments (GO_CC) in plain fonts. Bar lengths show the fraction of downregulated (left panel) and upregulated (right panel) genes associated with the specific gene ontology terms, whereas the bar color reflects the adjusted P-value for each term (white: P = 0.05, black: P → 0)

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