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Table 2 Baseline Demographic and Clinical Characteristics of the Patients

From: A novel collagen area fraction index to quantitatively assess bowel fibrosis in patients with Crohn’s disease


N = 31

Gender: male / female

12 /19

Age, range, years


Disease duration, mean ± SD, months

66.45 ± 63.77

Smoking history


21 (67.74%)

 Current smoker

4 (12.90%)

 Former smoker

6 (19.35%)

Therapy at the time of surgery

 Anti-TNF and immunosuppressant or corticosteroid

11 (35.48%)


14 (45.16%)


6 (19.35%)

Surgery type, n (%)

 Ileocolon resection

19/31 (61.29%)

 Partial small bowel resection

8/31 (25.81%)

 Partial colon resection

4/31 (12.90%)

Regions of disease involvement

 Ileum only

5/31 (16.13%)

 Ileum + jejunum

3/31 (9.68%)

 Ileum + jejunum+colon

4/31 (12.90%)

 Ileum + colon

15/31 (48.39%)

 Colon only

4/31 (12.90%)

CDAI, mean ± SD

232.12 ± 73.65

CRP, mean ± SD, mg/L

42.07 ± 21.19

ESR, mean ± SD, mm/h

41.37 ± 19.34

  1. TNF Tumour necrosis factor; CDAI Crohn’s disease activity index, CRP C-reactive protein, ESR Erythrocyte sedimentation rate