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Table 4 Inadequate GWG by PPDS groups and ORs for inadequate GWG in IBD compared to non-IBD, from MoBa 2002–2008

From: Intake of dairy protein during pregnancy in IBD and risk of SGA in a Norwegian population-based mother and child cohort


PPDS groupsa

ORs for inadequate GWG in IBD compared to non-IBD with low intake of PPDS


N (obs)




aOR (95% CI) low compared to high PDDS

aOR (95%) middle compared to high PPDS

Inadequate GWG (%)



6923 (20.3)

3221 (18.4)

3067 (18)




68 (30.8)

22 (31.4)

14 (28)

2.35 (1.23, 4.49)

1.38 (0.64, 2.99)



31 (32.6)

17 (48.6)

4 (18)

4.22 (1.28, 13.92)

4.09 (1.13, 14.29)



37 (29.4)

5 (14.3)

10 (31.1)

1.65 (0.76, 3.59)

0.45 (0.14, 1.51)

  1. OR adjusted for mothers’ education and age, aGroup 1 = quartile 1 + 2, group 2 = quartile 3, group 3 = quartile 4, highest PPDS group (group 3) was used as reference group, GWG gestational weight gain, PPDS proportion of protein from dairy sources
  2. Plural birth and extreme energy intake and 50 kg < GWG < −30 kg excluded