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Table 1 Basic characteristics of patients with biliary sphincter of Oddi disorder (n = 59)

From: Management of patients with biliary sphincter of Oddi disorder without sphincter of Oddi manometry

Age at diagnosis (years)

46 (37-59)


53/6 (90%/10%)

Follow-up (months)

15 (6-35)

Previous cholecystectomy

26 (44%)

Biliary SOD type


   Type I

8 (14%)

   Type II

30 (51%)

Dilated CBD

25 (42%)

Raised LFTs

5 (8%)

   Type III

21 (35%)


39 (66%)

   Other functional gastrointestinal disorder

16 (27%)

   Psychiatric diseaseb

11 (19%)

   Chronic liver diseasec

10 (17%)

Analgesics upon initial assessment

23 (39%)

   Opiates upon initial assessmentd

21 (36%)

  1. Data are presented as median and IQR or n and % as appropriate
  2. aPatients who had other types of disease apart from the sphincter of Oddi disorder
  3. bEight patients out of 11 had depression and 3/11 anxiety
  4. cFive patients out of 10 had non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, 2/10 primary biliary cirrhosis, 1/10 non-alcoholic steatohepatitis, 1/10 chronic hepatitis B, and 1/10 chronic hepatitis C
  5. dEleven out of 21 patients were receiving codeine, 5/21 tramadol, 3/21 morphine, 1/21 morphine and tramadol, and 1/21 codeine and tramadol