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Table 1 Symptom components for CD and UC

From: Presenting symptoms in inflammatory bowel disease: descriptive analysis of a community-based inception cohort



Bowel frequency and abdominal discomfort symptom component

urgent BM, increased number/frequency of BMs, loud bowel noises, anxiety about distance from bathroom, cramping with BM, increased passage of gas, uncertainty about whether gas or BM is about to be passed, foul smelling gas, loose/watery BM, sense of incomplete emptying after BM, BM at night, abdominal tenderness, abdominal bloating/distension.

Bowel frequency and abdominal discomfort symptom component

weight loss, loose/watery BM, increased number/frequency of BM, urgent BM, decreased appetite, cramping with BM, anxiety about distance to bathroom, loud bowel noises, feeling full before a full meal has been eaten, abdominal pain, BM at night, abdominal tenderness, and fever

Systemic/ extraintesinal symptom component

painful joints, swollen joints, achiness, sore/painful eyes, lightheadedness, red eyes, insomnia/trouble sleeping, and nausea

Systemic/ extraintesinal symptom component

painful joints, achiness, lower back pain, swollen joints, and insomnia/trouble sleeping

Anorectal symptom component

passage of blood along anus, incontinence/leakage of stool, drainage/seepage from around anal area, pain around the anal area between BM, passage of mucus with BM, pain around anal area with BM

Anorectal symptom component

pain around the anal area with BM, pain around anal area in between BM, hard stools/difficult to pass, abdominal bloating/distention, sore/painful eyes, cold sweats/chills, and passage of blood along the anus

Upper abdominal symptom component

decreased appetite, feeling full before a full meal has been eaten, weight loss, vomiting, fever, and cold sweats/chills

Incontinence and flatus symptom component

incontinence/leakage of stool, foul smelling gas, drainage/seepage from around anal area, and increased passaged of gas

  1. Table displays the 4 symptom components generate by PCA for both CD and UC with the symptoms that loaded within each component. Of the 4 components, 3 are the same for CD and UC, while the last 1 for each is distinct