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Table 1 Patient demographic characteristics

From: Anatomical pancreatic variants in intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm patients: a cross-sectional study


IPMN group (n = 108)

Control group (n = 106)

P value

Mean age at presentation (SD, range)

69 (8, 46–83)

50 (17, 23–94)

 < 0.001

Sex: female, n (%)

68 (62.9)

62 (58.5)


MPD width, mean (SD), mm

3.24 (1.65)

2.02 (0.93)

 < 0.001

Size of the major cyst, mean (SD), mm

19.73 (1.02)


BD-IPMN, n (%)

96 (88.9)


MD-IPMN, n (%)

1 (0.9)


Mixed-type IPMN, n (%)

11 (10.2)


Developmental variations


Pancreas divisum, n (%)

10 (9.3)

6 (5.7)


Duct of Santorini, n (%)

55 (50.9)

30 (28.3)


Ansa pancreatica, n (%)

15 (13.9)

10 (9.4)


Absent duct of Santorini / ansa pancreatica, n (%)

28 (25.9)

60 (56.6)


Course of MPD at the pancreatic head2

(n = 98)

(n = 100)


Non-MMPD, n (%)

80 (81.6)

97 (97.0)


 Descending course, n (%)

37 (37.8)

51 (51.0)


 Vertical course, n (%)

10 (10.2)

10 (10.0)


 Sigmoid course, n (%)

33 (33.7)

36 (36.0)


MMPD, n (%)

18 (18.4)

3 (3.0)

 < 0.0013

 Reverse-Z type, n (%)

8 (8.2)

1 (1.0)


 N-shape, n (%)

6 (6.1)

2 (2.0)


 Loop up or down, n (%)

4 (4.1)

0 (0)

  1. P values calculated using the Fisher’s exact test or the Mann–Whitney test. P < 0.05 considered statistically significant
  2. BD-IPMN, branch-duct intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasia; IPMN, intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasia; MD-IPMN, main-duct intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasia; MMPD, meandering main pancreatic duct; MPD, main pancreatic duct; SD, standard deviation
  3. 1Compared to non-pancreas divisum patients
  4. 2Pancreas divisum patients excluded
  5. 3Compared to non-MMPD patients