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Table 4 Patient satisfaction when the procedure was performed using EG-740 N or GIF-XP290N endoscope

From: A single-center prospective study on pain alleviation during peroral upper endoscopy with an ultrathin endoscope


EG-740 N

n = 88


n = 57


Patient satisfaction

76 (86.3%)

49 (86.0%)


Pain score

3 (0–6)

3 (0–7)


Physician satisfaction

65 (73.9%)

46 (80.7%)


Willing to repeat peroral endoscopy with an UT-EGD

84 (95.5%)

55 (96.5%)


  1. Data are presented as median (range) or number (percentage)
  2. Abbreviations: UT-EGD, ultrathin esophagogastroduodenoscopy
  3. EG-740 N: An ultrathin endoscope with a 5.8 mm diameter
  4. GIF-XP290N: An ultrathin endoscope with a 5.4 mm diameter
  5. *P-value was calculated using the chi-square test or Fisher’s exact test for categorical data or the
  6. t-test or the Mann–Whitney U test for continuous data